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Portrait of Pr Niklaus Schaefer

Pr Niklaus Schaefer

Professeur ordinaire au Service de médecine nucléaire et imagerie moléculaire

Pr Niklaus Schaefer est spécialiste ISFM en Médecine interne, Oncologie médicale et Médecine nucléaire. Il est également médecin nucléariste référent suppléant au Centre de la prostate.

Intérêts cliniques ou académiques

  • Oncologie médicale et médecine nucléaire


  • 2019: Chief Physician in Nuclear Medicine Therapies and Theranostics
  • 2018 -..: Foundation, Certification and Head of ENETS Center of Excellence at University Hospital of Lausanne
  • 2015 -.. :Elected Associate Professor in Theranostics (primo loco), Senior Attending Physician, Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne
  • 2014 – 2015: Senior Attending Physician and Assistant Professor in Theranostics, Medical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine University Hospital of Zurich
  • 2013: Elected Assistant Professor (non-tenured) University of Zurich, Medical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, primo loco
  • 2012: Venia Legendi University Hospital of Zurich in Medical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine
  • 2009 – 2014: Attending Physician Clinics for Medical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich
  • 2008 – 2009: Nuclear Medicine, Department Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA
  • 2008 – 2008: Nuclear Medicine, Department Radiology, University Hospital Zurich
  • 2005 – 2008: Medical Oncology, Department Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Zürich
  • 2000 – 2005: Internal Medicine, Community Hospital Waid, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2002 – 2003: Nuclear Medicine, Department Radiology, University Hospital Zurich
  • 2001 – 2002: Internal Medicine, Hospital Wald, Zurich
  • 2000 – 2001: Nuclear Medicine, Department Radiology, University Hospital Zurich
  • 2000: Doctoral Thesis, University of Zurich “PET with 18fluorodeoxyglucose and hexamethylpropylene amine oxime SPECT in late whiplash syndrome”
  • 1993 – 1999: Studies of Medicine, University of Zurich and University of Paris Descartes


  • Français
  • Allemand
  • Anglais


Prof. Dr. Niklaus Schaefer’s is a board certified (FMH) Medical Oncologist, Internist and Nuclear Physician with a main interest to develop molecular and functional imaging as well as associated therapies (Theranostics). He developed, initiated and published several awarded phase I and pilot IIS trials in the domain.

Prof. Dr. Niklaus Schaefer has been trained and finally served as senior attending physician in Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital of Zurich and was appointed 2015 as associate professor (tenured) at the University of Lausanne.

He introduced the ENETS center of Excellence in Zurich, Lausanne and initiated many treatments in Switzerland, which have become a clinical standard (Liver Radioembolisation, Lutetium – PSMA – 617, and Lutetium – DOTATATE).

He currently works at Nuclear Medicine at CHUV as Chief Physician with strong collaboration with Medical Oncology by developing programs depicting, predicting and enhancing the efficacy of oncological therapies using preclinical, clinical and computational methods.

Centre des tumeurs neuroendocrines

Le Centre des tumeurs neuroendocrines réunit médecins, infirmier-ière-s et autres professione-le-s de la santé spécialisé-e-s pour offrir à chaque patient-e le meilleur traitement et les soins les plus adaptés à sa situation. Le Centre est certifié par le label de qualité ENETS, la société européenne des tumeurs neuroendocrines.

En savoir plus

Service de médecine nucléaire et imagerie moléculaire

Le Service de médecine nucléaire et imagerie moléculaire effectue des examens et des traitements, grâce à l'utilisation contrôlée de substances radioactives en faibles doses.

En savoir plus